Embrace a journey of transformation that marries the wisdom of holistic health with the power of mindful self-care

Inner harmony, outer glow: a modern woman’s guide to holistic health

Discover 7 simple yet profound practices for harmonizing your inner and outer worlds, enhancing your physical health, and bringing peace and balance to mind and spirit in midlife.


Discover the Path to Your Best Self

Are you a woman aged 35 or above, seeking not just to live but to thrive?

Do you wish to harmonize your body, mind, and spirit, embracing wellness in a way that feels nurturing and empowering?

If you've nodded yes, then "Inner Harmony, Outer Glow : A Modern Woman’s Guide to Holistic Health" is crafted just for you

This guide is your compass if:

You're ready to embrace a lifestyle that enhances your well-being holistically

You seek to navigate the transitions of midlife with grace, strength, and vitality

You desire a blend of mindfulness, nutrition, and physical activity tailored to your unique needs

You crave deeper connections with yourself, your community, and nature

You're looking for actionable, compassionate guidance to implement holistic practices into your daily life

Inner harmony, outer glow includes:

Inner harmony, outer glow digital download Guide

Each section of the guide concludes with practical actions to integrate these practices into your life, ensuring you're inspired and empowered to make real changes

Reflection Exercise digital download journal

A downloadable journal to print out and dive deeper with guided journal prompts designed to help you reflect on your journey, capture insights, and set meaningful goals

Holistic Health and Well-Being Checklist

A downloadable checklist to help you stay focused and track your progress with a comprehensive checklist, making it easy to adopt and maintain the practices that resonate most with you

Hey, I’m Peppa

I’m a mindfulness and holistic wellness coach.

In 2019, I started exploring holistic practices like meditation, mindfulness, yoga, and breath work while working on reconnecting with myself and trying to deal with decreased energy and several health issues due to perimenopause hormonal changes. Cultivating mindful self-care rituals and empowering holistic practices into my everyday life has undoubtedly been the best way to rediscover my inner strength and wisdom and experience life with joy and excitement.

Now, after taking my personal and entrepreneurial journey into the next chapter, I help women bring their bodies, minds, and energy into full alignment and embrace midlife with grace and joy.

When I’m not in the deep with practicing the wisdom of yoga, pranayama, and mindfulness or working on empowering adventure for my clients, you’ll probably find me exploring nature’s tranquility, taking notes with ideas for my next unfolded recipe, and appreciating aliveness.

Say yes to a life of balance, vitality, and joy

How to get access?

Step One:

Click the button below and you will be redirected to the Inner Harmony, Outer Glow Guide Checkout page

Step two:

To get access to the members area where you can download the guide and grab your bonuses, you will be prompted to create your member account by filing out your contact information followed by your payment details

Step three:

You will receive an email with your personal access details to the Unfolded School Platform and also an official welcome email from me.

One-time fee, USD, incl. VAT if applicable.

No Refund Policy: Due to the digital nature of this product, I don't offer refunds at this time. All sales are final. With that said, if you have any issues or questions at all, I'm just one email away. Reach out to get support at support@unfolded.life

Answers to a few questions you might be asking

  • After your purchase is confirmed, you will receive an email with your personal access link to the members area where the product is hosted. Please, follow the steps in the blue section above to purchase the guide and create your member account.

  • You can access the materials in your members' area for as long as the Mindfulness Workshop Experience is available online. If any downloadable resources are included in the Experience, you can print them out, put them in a folder of your choice and have them handy for your personal use. Please, refer to the terms and conditions for details.

  • Due to the digital nature of this product, I don't offer refunds at this time. All sales are final. With that said, if you have any issues or questions at all, I'm just one email away. Reach out to get support at support@unfolded.life